[prog] printing a linked-list

ed orphan millward at Ms.UManitoba.CA
Sun Mar 14 20:57:13 EST 2004

I've written most of a simple linked-list program
that  loads its data from a file ( if it exists ) and
upon exit, saves its data to a file.
It's written in C for Linux with a touch of curses.
I want it to print the linked list out, with a space
between each linked list's data, and a one line
header for each page of print, e.g.
 date  ddmmyyyy   program name    page number
The paper is standard letter size, that is 60 lines
per page.
I don't want anything fancy, just that the data
be printed correctly and clearly in plain text.
Do I have to learn some kind of printer formatting
language to accomplish this?  I was thinking of
creating a special file just for printing, ( print.txt )
 with the
spaces and the page titles in the correct places,
then doing a system call, like  system("lpr print.txt");
   I haven't got a clue.  Any ideas would be most

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