[prog] Open source developers...

Dan Richter daniel.richter at wimba.com
Wed Feb 4 10:49:35 EST 2004

> The point of the day 
> is to come together to talk about how to foster open source development 
> for nonprofits/NGOs - the kinds of things we need to do, and bring 
> together to make that happen.

I'm one of the 99% of people who won't be there, but I'd certainly be 
interested if you have any documentation on the subject - anything 
beyond "nonprofits get a lot of donated computers that they install 
Linux on because it's free (as in beer)."

          Are you going to tell me that it's better for them
          to eat garbage-can cuisine than out of my kitchen?
              - Carol Doe Porter, whose project, Kid Care,
                produced 18,000 meals a month for homeless people -
                until the Houston Health Department tried to shut
                them down for "unsanitary conditions" in her home.

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