[prog] Returning a string from a function, in bash

Riccarda Cassini riccarda.cassini at gmx.de
Fri Apr 16 14:46:35 EST 2004

Thankyou very much for your replies, Dominik and Jimen. I'm feeling
more confident now, when it comes to putting code like this into
real-world scripts.
>From time to time, it happens to me that, although I eventually do find
a solution that works, it's kind of bizarre. You know, those cases
where someone more experienced comes along and asks "why don't you
simply do it like this... that's much easier, shorter, faster, cleaner,
whatever...". This mostly happens with perl... (and needless to say,
most of the time they are right :-)  I guess, taking a closer look at
good code is the best way to avoid this phenomenon...

Btw, thanks for pointing me to that LDP document. That's what I needed.


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