[prog] C++ Templates

Christine Bussman olearyck at SLU.EDU
Thu Jun 26 09:05:19 EST 2003

I think the function you have labeled 'constructor' is the
real culprit here.  the normal syntax for a constructor is
classname<template thing>::classname(input)
(see comments below)you're half defining a constructor
and half defining another function named count, which
isn't a member function.  I think this is where most of the
difficulties are coming from.  Also, is '\0' necessarily an
object of class T?  this is one I really don't know about,
but I would be careful here.

what you had:
> template <typename T>
> Ordlist<T size> : count(size)
> {
>         info = new T[size * sizeof(T)];
>         for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
>                 info[i] = '\0'; // initialise array
> } // constructor

the first two lines in a constructor should probably be
template <typename T>
Ordlist<T>::Ordlist(int size)
{code here}

if I'm remembering correctly, the <T> is present in the
Ordlist because it's the name of the class, but not in the
second because it's the name of the function.

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