[prog] HTML user interfaces

Meredydd Luff meredydd at everybuddy.com
Fri Oct 11 13:03:11 EST 2002

On Friday 11 October 2002 11:01, lists at miaridge.com wrote:
> Which browsers are you targetting?  You can use dhtml/javascript
> document.write's but it won't work on all browsers.
I'm going for lowest common denominator if I can, but I'm OK if I don't 
support lynx =)

With <META> refreshes, the minimum requirements are multiple windows and 
Javascript support. I don't think that using document.write() will do 
anything worse. Could someone point me at a Q&D Javascript tutorial please?

> How does Everybuddy compare to Trillian or Fire, btw?
Careful, you're asking a biased party :-P

That said, I think we have a number of structural advantages. Our contact 
list is on a personal basis (three levels - there are groups, each group has 
any number of contacts, each contact has any number of buddy accounts). We 
also have a considerably cleaner API than Gaim (and I think I'm correct in 
believing that EB-lite is the only IM client with it properly documented). 
Dunno about Trillian and Fire, because Trillian is closed and Fire is in 
objective C. Fire is, of course, obviously superior on MSN Messenger, because 
it uses my MSN library :-P

Also, we have a funky core/UI split, which you may have divined from the HTML 
user interface even being possible. The core is one process, written in C 
with a smattering of POSIX (only for network stuff). The user interface is a 
separate one (written in any language you like), that communicates via TCP, 
and more than one can connect at once - everything remains consistent.

OK, I think I'll stop the publicity run now :-P

But you get my point - we're always on the lookout for new developers, and if 
anyone here is interested in pitching in, we'd love you to give us a shout!


MSN Developer, Everybuddy project

MSN:     blip109 at hotmail.com
AIM:     blip109
Yahoo:   modula7

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