Group,<br><br>QUESTION : would it be possible to give shell access (ssh) to maintain the wiki. Since we cant expect you to give root access to install the wiki, etc you would have to install the same (including the planet aggregator) and we can form a team of women to maintain different aspects of the s/w.<br>
<br>ANSWER: Actually, with <a href=""></a> wiki installation is like cutting warm butter.. Click of a button, you get things installed in less than 10 minutes.. ofcourse you will have setup database password, name, admin user credentials etc.. but all can be completed within minutes. I have never used SSH to install something in godaddy, which is "not needed" as per this hosting service. Having given the access to the administrators of indichix, they can do the installation with maximum ease. I can always be by the side of the admins to extent a helping hand if need be.<br>
<br>thanks<br>Sudarsun S.<br>