[IndiChix] Regarding mailing list test messages

Sanyam Khurana sanyam.khurana01 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 14:05:53 UTC 2018


I've seen a lot of messages on the mailing list lately which seemed
like testing if it is working correctly or not.

IMHO, most of the messages are just containing the word "Test" in the
subject/body which would eventually start landing in spam or moreover
many messages of such type would annoy people.

Can we please just send a single message to the mailing list, in future like

"Many people have raised the issue of not able to post/get messages in
the mailing list. We're trying to test if the mailing list is working
and would be grateful if you can reply to this message if it is being
delivered to you"

or something along those lines, and then just try to wait to get a
reply, rather than just keep pushing new messages.

Just my $0.02


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