[IndiChix] Content retrival : Wiki content needed

Gayathri Swaminathan gayathri.swa at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 03:05:14 UTC 2009


On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Sriram Narayanan <sriramnrn at gmail.com> wrote:
> For some testing, I tried to create a user account at the LinuxChix
> India wiki, but I find that I'm not able to create an account -
> There's no "create new account" link/button which actually lets me
> create an account (Never mind what the main page says).
> Gayathri: Could you extract the content of the wiki such that we can
> work on it together and import it into another mediawiki installation
> ?
> Once you're done, could you post the instructions on how you did this
> to the list so that the rest of us learn ?

To get an account, I emailed: indichix at linuxchix.org and Runa created
me an account.

The right way to get content for the existing wiki (linuxchix.org.in)
would be to bundle Apache/ Mysql DB that goes with it and migrate the
site. As this seems moot now,  I was able to use "wget"  and get the
entire site:


#wget -r http://linuxchix.org.in


This means cleaning/ structuring html pages and then importing content
to the new wiki. Would this work?

Gayathri Swaminathan
gpgkey: 3EFB3D39
Volunteer, FDP

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