[IndiChix] Unresolved issues [was] LC-india domain

Vid Ayer vid at svaksha.com
Fri Jan 2 05:46:16 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Kingsly John
<member+indichix at kingsly.net> wrote:
> I think Atul made it clear that they aren't going to give up on the domain.
> No point wasting further time on it, better work on the other options.

*sigh* That is unfortunate and it would be nicer if they did the right
thing and returned the domain to Linuxchix-India. Taking advantage of
the lack of rules for local chapters and misusing the autonomy they
provide to purposefully fork the group is not helpful at all.

|| http://www.svaksha.com || Dreams are not what you see in your
sleep, but dreams are that, which do not allow you to sleep ~
Dr.APJKalam ||

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