[IndiChix] BLR meets

VidAyer vid at svaksha.com
Mon Feb 2 03:07:47 UTC 2009


Ritesh had started a thread on the Bangalore LUG regarding topics[0]
for our local meets which I think is an interesting direction to take.
To add, i'd suggest we :

- keep each meet as a themed workshop where one (maybe more) person
can demo his/her work in libre s/w especially if the meet is at a
place with internet access. This will help newbies get a first hand
exposure on how to start out upstream.

- meet more regularly. Fix a day of the week(end?). Say every
alternate Saturday at 10.30 am, venue TBD. I know this (venue, day ,
time) can be inconvenient for many but it will evolve once the
meetings are more regular, even if its just 2 people attending a

- folks can use the wiki** to propose talks, store ideas, presentations, etc..

[0] http://ilug-bengaluru.wikia.com/wiki/Meetings/Discussion_Topics

** Feel free to use the LCIN wiki too (after we move to

|| http://www.svaksha.com ||
|| You are what your deepest desire is ; As you desire, so is your
intention ; As your intention, so is your will ; As is your will, so
is your deed ; As is your deed, so is your destiny | ~Upanishads ||

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