[Indianlc] hi folks

Runa Bhattacharjee runa.misc at Hfetmy_2LIRV-J555TQUDCcWntHQf3SMXN_mDge4KiUWxmIxK3sugr1Tu3XsO_YedArVpFp-KgHLn3LkWP8.yahoo.invalid
Mon May 8 11:36:06 UTC 2006

Frederick [FN] Noronha wrote:
> And some aggression and flame-wars too ;-)
> On a more serious note, I believe that if a group is to be active, then some amount of ideas-exchange via a mailing list does help. If this is done in a non-threatening manner, with a lot of goodwill and bonhomie, so much the better! FN
Perhaps, something on the lines of  what exactly this group was formed 
for and how exactly that could be achieved. :)
Might help if we could have an irc channel on freenode and get a more 
1-on-1 introduction.


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