[Courses] C Programming For Absolute Beginners, Lesson 2: Fun With Printf, Scanf, Puts, and Variables

Leslie leslie.brothers at verizon.net
Thu Feb 23 04:58:04 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 20:26 -0800, Carla Schroder wrote:
> Homework: Modify the addition program to echo the user input as it is entered, 
> so it looks something like this:
> "Please enter any number up to three digits: 
> 34
> You entered the number 34. Now please enter another number:"
I am "turning in my homework" just to be traditional and in case it can
help anyone else.  I did the plain vanilla version as above.  A simple
assignment was fine because then I could spend some time on the helpful
side-lessons.  Plenty to digest!

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
	int a, b, c;

	puts( "Please enter any number up to 3 digits: " );
	scanf( "%d", &a );
	printf( "You entered %d. ", a);
	puts( "Please enter another number up to 3 digits: " );
	scanf( "%d", &b );
	printf( "You entered %d.\n", b);
	c = a + b;
	printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, c);

	return 0;


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