[Courses] [python] Lesson 1: Hello world

Knut Jackowski doxanthropos at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 18 07:51:03 UTC 2011

Hello and thank you for giving this course,

> ================= Homework =========================
> Normally I'll have programming assignments for homework -- some easy,
> some harder. But for this first lesson, I just have a few questions.
> Post your answers to the list -- if someone beats you do it, don't
> worry about it, you're not being graded on who answers.
> 1. I'm interested in hearing what version of Python everybody is running,
>    on which operating system, distro and version. Please post your results!
>    Especially if python3 is the default, or if you have any other problems
>    running the examples.
Python 2.6.5 on Ubuntu 10.04 and 2.6.6 on Crunchbang Statler (Debian
Squeeze Stable)

> 2. Why are there two commas in
>     print "Hello,", name
>     ? What do you think the difference is between them?
The first one belongs to the output and the other tells python what to
do with the variable? So the first is not neccessary but the second is.

> 3. Anyone know why the language was named Python?
I thought it would be named after the snake, but some weeks ago I read
that it was named after the Monty Pythons, the british group of
excellent comedians.
> __________________
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