[Courses] [python] Lesson 1: Hello world

Margot margot at lawrence1961.f9.co.uk
Sat Jun 18 07:37:28 UTC 2011

On Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:47:18 -0700
Akkana Peck <akkana at shallowsky.com> wrote:

> ================= Homework =========================
> Normally I'll have programming assignments for homework -- some
> easy, some harder. But for this first lesson, I just have a few
> questions. Post your answers to the list -- if someone beats you
> do it, don't worry about it, you're not being graded on who
> answers.
> 1. I'm interested in hearing what version of Python everybody is
> running, on which operating system, distro and version. Please
> post your results! Especially if python3 is the default, or if
> you have any other problems running the examples.

Python 2.7.1 on Mageia 1

> 2. Why are there two commas in
>     print "Hello,", name
>     ? What do you think the difference is between them?

The first is an actual punctuation mark to be printed, the
second...some sort of command?

> 3. Anyone know why the language was named Python?

No idea. Could cheat and Google, but taking a wild guess, is it
something to do with Monty Python?


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