[Courses] Perl list active

Jacqueline McNally jacqueline-linuxchix at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Sat Jun 11 01:49:57 UTC 2011

Akkana Peck wrote:
> Jacinta Richardson writes:
>> A few people have contacted me off list and asked whether I'll be covering how
>> to program.  I haven't given this a lot of thought, but rather than just
>> replying individually with the same thing I thought I'd summarise my thoughts
>> about that here.
> Are there a lot of people interested in a course in how to program?
> How about if it was in another language: Python or Javascript?
> If so, which of those two languages would you prefer?
> If there's a lot of interest, I could give a few intro lessons on
> programming basics before Jacinta starts her Perl course in July,

That would be great for me. I want to tackle Jacinta's Perl course, but 
I have only done very basic programming a loooong time ago. A how to 
program course using Python would suit me best.

I have just started a Masters in Infectious Diseases (my undergraduate 
degree was Medical Technology). Research appears to be at the molecular 
level (e.g. sequencing), and there are databases and tools available to 
analyse this data. The tools are written in Perl and Python from what I 
can see. I think most of them you can just use, but I can see that there 
are times that being able to 'tweek' may be useful.


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