[Courses] [Postgresql] What is PostgreSQL?

Michelle Murrain michelle at murrain.net
Sat Nov 24 13:41:32 UTC 2007

Cynthia Kiser wrote:

> I also still miss 'first' as one of the group-by column options that
> Access has. Does Postgres have something like that? Doesn't look like
> it. I'll have to see if any of the new SQL extensions in Oracle now
> let me do that. 

Just so you know, PG does have a "GROUP BY" clause. We'll get to some of 
that in the SQL section.

Speaking of, it seems we have quite the mix of people who know much SQL, 
people who know some, and people who are completely new to it. There is 
no possible way I can cover the vast spectrum of SQL that PG has, but 
I'll at least give some interesting problems to solve, and ways to find 
more detailed info when you need it.

Michelle Murrain
Coordinator, Nonprofit Open Source Initiative

Skype: pearlbear
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