[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 3: 101 Satisfying Retorts For All Occassion]

carla at bratgrrl.com carla at bratgrrl.com
Sat Apr 14 18:36:57 UTC 2007

Sitting here in a hotel room brought some things to mind some occasions
where being "nice" just isn't a good thing, and how we need to rely on our
own judgement, rather that what some people think are good manners or
appropriate behavior:

- Not getting on an elevator when there are scary people in it. "I'll
catch the next one" is perfectly appropriate when your warning bells are
going off. But won't their feelings be hurt? Probably not, and if they are
that's just another confirmation that you don't need to be confined with

- Refusing to let someone into your room. It's your room, and your
personal safety. If they claim to be hotel staff, you can always confirm
with the front desk while they wait in the hall. Even if they wear
uniforms, you're not being silly by checking. Anyone can buy or steal a

- Getting roped into "helping" a stranger. I've heard a number of
interesting dodges in my travels over the years, from confused drunks to
creeps pulling scams like "I lost my dog," "What's a good place to eat,"
"I need help buying a present for my wife." My answer is always "You have
confused me with someone who works here. Hang on and I'll call security
for you." It hasn't failed to get rid of them in record time yet.

Carla from wireless hotel that works!!

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