[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 1: Dreams]

Aguido Horatio Davis horatio at computer.org
Wed Apr 4 22:02:38 UTC 2007

On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 02:02:49PM -0400, Sheryl wrote:
> Men don't have to compete with women if they'll buy into that mindset
> because they'll take care of it for them by cutting themselves off at
> the knees (and each other -- women can be fierce enforcers of faux
> feminity).  "Mother may I" is an exhausting game, and it's one that
> men don't have to spend time on because they are the default.  They
> already give themselves rights to everything human.  Women don't.

There are areas of being human that are incompatible with some of the
traditional views of being an occidental male. Some of the fiercest
enforcers of this kind of limit are other men.  

It's not disagreement, exactly, but you may want to reconsider your
assumption that men have no such limits inside their heads, and that
they don't compromise their lives to honour them.  It's not just
communities of gender that have such cultural baggage, but that's
another thread, I suspect..

Are my dreams welcome?



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