[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 1: Dreams]

Karine Delvare kdelvare at nerim.net
Sun Apr 1 08:01:11 UTC 2007

On Friday 30 March 2007 12:30, Carla Schroder wrote:
> What do you want?

Thank you Carla for making me sit and finally write this down, because
it's been a while I've been wanting to do it to have a clear mind about
what activities to privilege - I don't have enough time to pursue

So, hobbies I'd like to train further or just spend more time into are,
in decreasing importance order:
* digital painting
* web development
* contributing to GIMP
* keeping the pace on my huge stitch-cross piece so I can really finish
it in 5 years
* Japanese learning
* gaming (I stopped considering that a "time-filler for when I'm down",
I do enjoy exploring new games' concepts and I may do something with
those one day)
* digital photography
* DDR / jogging / swimming

Professional goals: work from home, put the passion back in my job
(which probably means going freelance).

Material goals: finding a house, in a suburb town with enough public
transportation to not need any car. Buying one of these awesome
Panasonic notebooks that Val linked to long ago :)


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