[Courses] [Security] Firewall theory -- general

Hamster hamster at hamsternet.org
Mon Mar 11 23:24:43 EST 2002

> 	In general, there are three sorts of packets that you need to be
> concerned about -- TCP, UDP, and ICMP.  (There are others, and we'll get
> into them, but let's start simple.)  Think about what sorts of traffic
> you'd want to allow in, and out.  You can also forward traffic
> selectively, and do IP masquerading and NAT.  Let's skip those for now,
> though we will come back to them later.
> 	So, let's start with my Linux box.  You've seen the services it
> offers.  What do you think would be good TCP traffic to let in?  To
> block?  To let out?  What about UDP?  Are you guys familiar with the
> differences between them?  (If not, say so and we'll go over that.  A
> good understanding of protocols is fundamental to understanding
> firewalling.)
> 	If you were going to build me a firewall, what would you do?

I'll jump in and make myself look silly :)

Now, I cant remember the details of your box exactly, but based on the following assumptions:
You're running:	ftp	
so we let these in ;-)

If I was being paranoid, I would set the default action to DROP on your external interface, except for the services youre running.

But if I am being less paranoid... I would block incoming on your external interface:
tftp (udp) maybe?

So have fun picking this list to pieces. Sorry if I made a wrong assumption somewhere too.


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