[Courses] [Security] Nmap -- looking from the outside in

Jp Calderone kuran42 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 11 16:47:47 EST 2002

Raven, corporate courtesan wrote:

>Heya --
 > [snip]

>	Exactly.  The other reason for the big disclaimer -- I live in
>the US, and with our new anti-terrorism laws, "hacking", possibly
>including portscanning, is really illegal and carries a heavy sentence
>now.  So does teaching people to "hack".  Hence the big emphasis on
>"only test this out on systems that you administer and own".
 > [snip]

I think it's worth noting that under the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act that "heavy 
sentence" is
basically "life in prison" (Lots of stuff I'd like to tack on here but I 
guess this isn't
really an appropriate forum for political debate).  So if you plan to do 
it's probably a good idea to get permission for a lot of people in 
important places
in the organization you'll be doing it to; I'd go as far as to get 
written permission myself.


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