[Courses] [Security] another netstat

Malcolm-Rannirl rannirl-lc at otherkin.net
Wed Mar 6 19:45:40 EST 2002

On Wednesday 06 March 2002 06:59 pm, Raven, corporate courtesan wrote:

> 	Wow!  This looks like a shining example of the "when in doubt,
> install and run everything" policy.  I'm not really a fan of that -- I

I didn't think any of the major linux distributions did that anymore. (I know 
Mandrake goes "about to activate all these things, you sure you want them?". 
I'm reasonably sure RedHat stoped doing so by default too).

> > udp        0      0 *:32868                 *:*
> >   28720/kmail
> 	I don't actually know offhand if there's a way to configure
> Kmail not to listen on a port for you.  On the other hand, I don't know
> of any exploits for that, either.  I'd have a poke through the settings
> and see if there's any way to set it not to do that.  (And I'm really
> wondering why it would need to.)

It is something to do with dns lookups (via some odd coding chain in 
kmail/kde/qt). I believe it's been fixed for KDE 3.0 (ie. it's in the cvs 
tree, but use that at your own risk, probably safer to wait until the 
official release). 

It's relatively benign.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart...
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
- Carl Jung

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