[Courses] Well, shall we?

Glenda R. Snodgrass grs at theneteffect.com
Tue Jan 15 13:43:53 EST 2002

> As "coordinator", the timing is a bit off, since I'm leaving for vacation
> in 2 days! But I think we can get started anyway, and I'll just catch up
> when I get back (January 27th).

That will give us all time to acquire the book in common and familiarize
ourselves with the "lesson plan" so to speak, so I think that works out

> First question - how will we do this? Should we stick to e-mail, or think
> about IRC/Chat sessions as well?

Personally I vote for email, because I have too much trouble juggling my
schedule as it is, and I don't need anything else that is tied to the
clock.  But perhaps we could do both, so that folks with the time and will
to do live chat can do so, for more intensive study.  I won't feel left
out.  :)

> choose, finally. Here's a (probably not exaustive) list of the books that
> have now been suggested for this "course":

I have a feeling that choosing a book by consensus of 35 members will take
forever. <G>  May I suggest that the course coordinator choose the book,
with the advice and consent of the helpful chix?  since we as
students aren't in much of a position to choose a textbook anyway.

Glenda R. Snodgrass

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