[Courses] Reminder, and questions (and semi spoiler on ex 6-1)

Wendy Galovich wendy at scottishmusician.com
Mon Feb 25 12:57:00 EST 2002

On Monday 25 February 2002 08:54, Michelle Murrain wrote:
> Sorry, I've been remiss in my "coordination"! The next set of chapters, 4,5
> and 6 were theoretically due last Friday! I've just now finished chapter 6.
> How is it going? How is everyone doing? Post your progress to the list, so
> people know what's up.

I am still in the middle of chapter 5 - haven't gotten to the exercises at 
the end of that chapter yet. Up until this afternoon, I was stuck at Question 
5-1, page 71. I learned two things: 1) My understanding of arrays is better 
than I was giving myself credit for; and 2) I need to trust my own judgment 
more - I spent way too much time questioning why I "didn't get" one small 
detail (which I saw very early on) before finally figuring out that that 
detail was exactly what I was *supposed* to see. :-) 

I have to admit that I find the idea of working through three chapters a week 
quite a stretch. What I would prefer to do, to ensure that I have a solid 
grasp of the basics, is take as much time as I need, to be comfortable with 
each concept before moving on. So I'm expecting to take the rest of this week 
to finish up chapter 5. I realize I'm probably straggling behind the rest of 
the group, but as long as no one minds me having questions about items 
everyone else is already finished with, that's fine with me. 


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