[Announce] Haecksen miniconf @ linux.conf.au: call for participation (closes Sept 30)

Mary Gardiner mary at puzzling.org
Mon Sep 12 08:52:39 UTC 2011

The Haecksen miniconf to be held on the 16th January 2012 at linux.conf.au in
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, is calling for participation, particularly
speakers and panellists.

Please submit proposals by 30th September.


With huge recent increases in the number of women speaking in the
linux.conf.au main program, this year, the Haecksen miniconf is moving away
from general technical talks by women and towards discussing and
highlighting activities and events supporting women in open source.

Women's advocates

The Haecksen miniconf seeks people involving in advocating for, promoting
and mentoring women and girls in technology in general and open source in
particular, for talks, panels and collaborative planning sessions. We are
seeking people who are involved in organizing, working or volunteering for
any of the following:
- mentoring programs such as Summer of Code and GNOME Women's Outreach
- technical training programs aimed at girls or women
- women's development groups such as Debian or GNOME Women
- women's networking events such as Girl Geek Dinners
- groups or individuals highlighting hinderances for women in technical
culture and careers, such as Geek Feminism

We are seeking both short (10 to 20 minute) talks and panel participation on
these subjects, please let us know whether you are interested in giving a
talk, being on a panel, or both

New tech speakers

This year, Haecksen specifically invites women who are not experienced
technical speakers to consider giving a technical talk at Haecksen. Talk
slots will be 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Speakers will be also
invited afterwards to a small and private feedback session with experienced
women public speakers, who will discuss ways to prepare your talk for a
larger technical conference, including the linux.conf.au main programme.


To submit a proposal for the Haecksen miniconf, email us at
unicorn at haecksen.net before 30 September. Include your name and some
information about what you want to do. An organiser will get in contact with
you about it.

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