[Announce]Newsletter: MentorGirl Voice-Jan '03 is now online!

Leah Dawn mentorgirls2k2 at mentorgirls.org
Fri Jan 10 16:15:17 EST 2003

Hello! The January 2003 issue of the MentorGirl Voice Newsletter is now
online and ready for folks to dive into!  Visit www.mentorgirls.org and
click on "MentorGirl Voice"

We've got a wonderful selection of original essays, articles, and a Role
Model Highlight sure to inspire.  This season, we also debut "Aricia on
Assignment" and she shares her research into the Autodesk Design Your Future
(DYF) Program for Girls... And, Joe Kelly of Dads and Daughters and Miriam
Zoll help round out our Special Feature: The Father Factor... As usual we
also invite our readership to peruse and explore the events listings, as
well as the enriching, educational & entertaining resources and websites
that we explore throughout the newsletter for our girls, youth, and

We hope you enjoy this issue as much as I do!  This has been a wonderful
publication for me to plan, coordinate, and pull together just in time for
National Mentoring Month!

Best wishes to everyone for this month's celebration of our mentors and role
models, and please keep us posted on all the wonderful work happening with
our girls and communities all throughout the year!

Thank you to everyone for all your support and encouragement, without you -
the MentorGirl Voice Newsletter would not be so much fun!  :)

Kind regards,

Leah Dawn

Director / Webmaster
Editor, MentorGirl Voice Newsletter

Mentor A Girl!

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