[Actionchix] Website migration progress report #2

Mary Gardiner mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org
Mon Sep 4 07:15:41 UTC 2006

Hi all,

#2 of the attempts at weekly update requests. Plone installers: can we
have a list of what is done, and what is yet to


Here's the current plan, and * is where we are:

*1. Plone to be installed on the main server at, say,
    beta.linuxchix.org, locked up behind HTTP Basic Auth (to keep Google
    from indexing it and the general public away from it until it's

 2. The current website to be set read-only or the nearest equivalent
    (with the exception of the news manager).

 3. Content migration to begin into Plone under the direction of Chris
    and Jen, following the new site architecture as devised by Chris and

    Content migration should be tracked using some kind of todo list, eg
    on the wiki. As many volunteers as we have should do the transition.
    A smaller number of people should check each page for semantically
    sane XHTML after each page is transferred.

    Any pages moving URLs should have their old and new URLs recorded in
    the todo list for redirecting.

 4. Simultaneously with 3, Plone administrators to set up the following

    1. a news feed with RSS
    2. an "events" for upcoming conferences and LinuxChix events with
       RSS and, if possible, iCal.

 5. Once migration is complete, the new site should become www., the
    basic auth be dropped, and redirects go into effect.

 6. After the new site goes live, I will make a decision about design,
    and call for volunteers to implement it as a Plone skin (and for
    accessibility volunteers to give feedback).

 7. After the new site goes live, we will do whatever is required to set
    up website translation.
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