[Actionchix] Cleanup and design

Lisa lisaj at spiritualfruits.com
Thu Mar 16 06:34:33 EST 2006

Yeah, like Karine and Ruth said.  :)  I'd be happy to do cleanup and am
used to XHTML but HTML 4.01 is ok.

Btw, we're likely to encounter logistical problems while applying styles
to untidy code, such that we may want to consider doing the cleanup
first.  Either that, or leave everything on the site as-is until both
style and cleanup are complete, then upload everything at once - but
then we'd need a separate testing area.
> At this stage, while the discussion of the new CMS is finishing up, we
> can talk a little about what we want from the new design. Here's
> some things that came up:
>  - attractive  :)
>  - light-weight
>  - standards compliant
>  - accessible
I think it should also be done in such a way that the very first thing
you notice is that it's a professional-looking technology-oriented
website, and then secondly that we are a women's group (which will be
more or less obvious from our domain name anyway.)  The reason I say
this is from my own experiences as a technician out in the field, and it
has been true with both male and female clients.  I find that I get
taken much more seriously, with a lot more respect and less sexual
objectification, if I present myself as a professional technician who
happens to be female rather than a female who happens to be into

My $.02 ...   :)


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